Clinical Director, my mhealth

Dr Adam Kirk is an entrepreneurial consultant physician based on the south coast. His background was as an NHS nephrologist working in a tertiary referral transplanting renal unit. Having undertaken a PhD, a post-doctoral post and led the local and regional research groups, he recognised the power of the data underpinning the delivery of really high-quality population health. Working with many likeminded people in the med-tech space to deliver innovative research opportunities, in 2017, he reduced his clinical commitment to take the role of Clinical Director at my mhealth Limited. At my mhealth he is responsible for the clinical safety of the applications and the information governance and security of my mhealth. His appointment coincided with the introduction of GDPR and the NHS Digital Assessment Questions. Ensuring compliance with GDPR and getting all my mhealth products onto the Apps Library enabled the company to build on its evidence base and successfully gain QISMET accreditation to then support myCOPD through a NICE MedTech Innovation Briefing (MedTech 214 – COPD). Most recently he has led on MHRA certification for MDR approval as a class 1 CE marked platform alongside developing some great collaborative opportunities with large strategics.