Growing pains

How, where, when and if to grow are decisions critical to the success of all biotech focused companies – spanning products to services. How do you plan, implement and adapt your growth strategy?

  • Value creation through growth is an imperative for all companies. What strategies work best in the biotech world?
  • Strategies invariably evolve over time. We will hear from companies that have pivoted from service to product – and vice versa. Is this by design or by necessity?
  • Self-proclaimed serial entrepreneurs are abundant. Where are the serial scalers? Do they exist? Are they hidden? Are they tied up in longer-term projects?
  • What tools and techniques exist to support the development of growth strategies? What works? Are they transferable?


KEVIN COX | Chair | Biorelate


MARTIN IMMANUEL BITTNER | Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer | Arctoris
SUZANNE DILLY | Chief Executive Officer | ValiRx
DAVID PORTER | Founding Partner | Apposite Capital
SHADI FARHANGRAZI | Chief Executive Officer | S. M. Discovery Group
TOM MANDER | Chief Operating Officer | Domainex
KARIN SCHMITT | Chief Business Officer | Mogrify