Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, Mendelian

Rudy Benfredj, co-founder and CEO at Mendelian, is a Computer Scientist graduated from Imperial College London with a degree in Engineering during which he worked under the supervision of Dr Aldo Faisal in the bioengineering faculty and Prof. Marek Sergot, Head of the Logic and Artificial Intelligence department.

Passionate about health, he moved to Tel Aviv to work at the Israeli med-tech diagnostics company focusing on image recognition and remote diagnosis as an early team member. As a Product Manager, he helped the company grow to get its FDA clearance.

In 2015 Rudy was part of a team of technologists and clinical doctors that founded Mendelian, a company that aims to help doctors diagnose rare diseases faster using their MendelScan software, which uses state-of-the-art technology, data capture and the latest medical knowledge to enable and improve rare disease diagnosis. By supporting primary care physicians to quickly refer to the right specialist, Mendelian enable faster diagnosis and treatment for patients.


22 June 2021